Bus....Keh Diya ....

Some say, men have same ego , some say Men still are predators who prey , wish to conquer and live on their ego. I dont disagree that most men could be like that but  I am still trying to tell myself  that I am one of them, may be I will eventually. My mirror is clouded with the fog of denial, I am sure this fog with disappear. I dont play victim, i have been a victim just like you but our wounds were different and our responses are very different. You find your answer in society and i find one in solitude , i did think love with the altitude of divinity could be an answer, mirage that was . I am not upset at not being able to conquer , I am just not able to stomach that pinnacles fall to dust that soon ...I have never destroyed what i had with a destructive mind , what did i have to destroy anyway. I have no regret. There was a constant battle within me, between conviction that I am ordinary and rotten & illusion that I am not ....my mirror just got wiped. Nothing changes when truth appears, it existed in this shape , i just didnt see it , i just didnt see myself , i just believed in hope more than hope believes in itself.I dont miss you, I miss myself.....

सजे-सजाये घर की तन्हा चिड़िया, तेरी तारा-सी आँखों की वीरानी में, मुस्तकबिल में कभी ग़म न हो ...
सोचता हूँ क्यूँ अक्सर एक सा होता है, तनहा लोगों का मुक़दर ...जवाब आखों में ढूँढू या हाथ की लकीरों में ....
कई बार जब राहें करवट लेती हैं...सोच नहीं पाता, राह गुम हुई या मंजिल ...
सयाने कहते है ..उम्मीद पर दुनिया कायम है ..शायद उम्मीद सयानो को ही होती है .....
