
Today's Title is a much used Urdu word,whose roots are in ""Khumr"" which means Wine in Arabic and Khumaar is often referred to as Intoxication yet Khumaar in poetic terms is infact a state of mind which is "high".
What came to mind in the afternoon is a quote I read somewhere , Middle age is when Memories seem brighter than dreams .
I picked up talking about khumaar as this is a state of mind which we all so crave for , feeling of being high in love, feeling of the high you feel when you are hugged, when you are loved unconditionally and adored without being judged. Khumaar is when a piece of music hijacks your solitude and makes you feel elated. Khumaar is tag-less , it doesn't have a price tag, it can only be experienced and that too ,largely for free. Some people will argue that we are wasting time on Khumaar , it is simply being high , like high on alcohol or high on power. It is not, You are high when the first rain after summer kicks off an aroma. When you feel the wind through your hair on a hilly road , makes you feel elevated, it doesn't cost you much. Khumaar is possibly an equivalent of an state of orgasm.
Khumaar is also feeding your beloved with your hands, weaving your hands through her hair and a compulsive eye contact.
Khumaar,like all great things, has its rarity. It wont trigger when you want it, it has a will and wish of its own. The same environment and same you, wont repeat a khumaar. People find khumaar in strange things , some in fame, some on stage, some in watches, cars , beaches, and some in looking desirable and some in football (i read a blog today about this ..gosh... ) The High of khumaar keeps one alive , keeps one kicking , keeps one waiting .
The day your khumaars are all in past and not in your dreams , you are what I am ....Middle aged and diminishing.

Today's piece on music is also a khumaar ...

मेरे खून ए आरज़ू को ,वोह समझ रहे हैं है पानी .....उन्हें होश तक ना आया ..यह गुज़र गयी जवानी ..
मुझे फूकने से पहले मेरा दिल निकाल लेना ....किसी और की अमानत.... कहीं साथ जल ना जाए ....
