Men will be Men

Have we ever considered that we are an animal who belongs to the "crowd Tribe", everyone spends an enormous amount of time of their lives thinking they are different, their life is important, they are a personality and they are superior. At the same time billions are living, breathing, eating, travelling , mating, watching TV . Millions are falling in love, falling out of love, dying , reproducing , life is just a constant mill. Are we anyone significant ? NO. The significance is self assumed, coz we are born we shall live till conditions make it unlivable. Imagine boarding a train at VT station at 5 PM on a weekday, you don't have to walk, crowd behind you will push you into  a train, things are happening by force of motion of crowd. When you are born, you are pushed to smile, then walk, then read , then on puberty pushed to a crowd.
I always rebelled against this herd mentality, I hated crowds, I desist crowd behavior.
I don't enjoy stadiums or crowded places, may be for same reason. I like quiet places where your individuality will be visible.
Our social behaviors are making this crowd even more sick, we must look happy coz everyone in crowd is happy, fact however is no one is happy or not many are. Most are just imitating , weren't we all monkeys before.
What makes me laugh are fairness cream ads, why would you wanna look like another crowd , just because some are . This becomes even more laughable when you realise, white people wanna get tanned and brown people wanna be white much for the crowd.
Crowd behaviours is becoming even more sick, crowd is becoming powerful and more assertive than ever and ones not wanting not to be  apart of crowd are in minority.
Walk alone , walk like your self.....
If you find someone from crowd who is also adamant on their being themselves, relish the company, make no relationship, write no vows and make no promise, follow no ritual , just be yourself , say what you wanna say and be a Maverick
Second thought I have today is Ego, I have written about it a few times, few more thoughts I must pen ..What do I see in Tajmahal, No love , Pure Ego , ego that the conquered wife Mumtaj will be known always
What do I see in Big flashy car, a big flashy ego ...what do I see in Big weddings , a building on the grave of emotions ...why are marriages approved by Public by stamping large attendance. If I am convinced why do I need public approval . Please need public reconfirmation so that lies get cemented and become stronger ...
The ghazal for today is actually from an O&M ad ....but I found lyrics of full ghazal ...

प्यार की राह में चलना सीख ,इश्क की चाह में जलना सीख |
हवा से भी कर बातें लेकिन,राज चुप्पी का उलझना सीख |
वक्त जंजीर सबके पाव की, मुस्कुराकर लेहेरना सीख |
कौन जाने किस घडी तूफान की, बन कलि मौज में बहरना सीख |
करोगे पार समंदर चंदर,अश्क के झील में उतरना सीख |
