Maths , Science & Humanities

It was another heart wrenching day .

Two thoughts , kept wrestling with my mind all through the day . We have so much calculation in our lives , how much we earn, we spend, how much is house worth, car worth, how much we spend on meals, clothes and gifts . In my childhood, i discovered , our household had a diary , which recorded all incoming and outgoing gifts in rupees. Even wedding "sagans" were recorded. I used to wonder how is it a gift if it is attributed to material value .
Today, relationships are like mathematical calculations , LHS must be equal RHS , my ego must be same as your ego , your sorry must be equal to number of times i say sorry .
The science of love is too evolved . I am just a humanities guy, i always wanted to study just that ..One sher and one song ...

Ye Shaan O shauqat ke alam, sada kisi ke nahi, Chirag Sabke bujhenge, Hawa kisi ki nahi."
