Fake is Real........

Dear Me ,

Stop believing, Stop Pretending.....

Stop the notion of affection, smile in a fake manner, only important chase in this world is  Money . Only Tangible reality, Perception. Only measure of success ..... Power ( not passion) .

Stop the pretentious  bravado, You are weak, Go ahead and  crush the fair and the deserving .

Don't Look back, fools live in History, realists Live for Today .

Act, You are in a Theater of the absurd...

There is no God, just a power play, the illusion of God has been built is to keep the poor and the innocent distracted.

Strangulate feelings , emotions are the excuse of the weak .

Being fair is a sign of weakness . Cheat shamelessly, lie blatantly ......

Destiny is the cry pillow of the loosers .....

Don't be a pillar for anyone, the ones who look up to you today , will demean you and ridicule you soon .

Accept the sorted , they are better off......don't cry in front of anyone .

Escapism is far better than Realism ...

Morality is the dog leash of the weak ....

The better actor wins ....always ...

No One knows and No One cares ......

बस कह दिया.............

रात गुज़र गयी और हमें मालूम नहीं
ख़्वाबों के रहगुज़र से और हमें मालूम नहीं.......

हम साँस तो लेते रहे हर पल
क्यों लेते रहे हमें मालूम नहीं.......

एक नज़्म लिखने की कोशिश जो की हमने
दिल सफ़े पर कब उतरा हमें मालूम नहीं...

साज़ हाथों में थाम तो लिया हमने
राग कौन सा छेड़ें हमें मालूम नहीं....

बस कह दिया की तुम जान हो मेरी
क्यूँ कहा हमें मालूम नहीं ……
