Weekend Inspirations ....

कभी मिल......., आँख में आँख डाल ...... कुछ बातें करना बनता है। मेरा क्या कसूर है , मुझे बताना ........ बनता है.....

Some wayward thoughts over the weekend, all small like pebbles and all irrelevant like Clouds, pebbles because they are hard and strong but cause no harm and pose no threat. Like clouds because, they give a false sense of a great environment but soon go away.

I chase "Moksha" in my pursuit of peace, a few new things I discovered about Moksha are simple yet so oblivious to human lives. Moksha is not about abandonment of the desire to be loved, appreciated and acknowledged. Moksha is about making complete peace with reality , from mirrors to hair colour, to matching Kurtas to jeans, we chase an image , it is relief from Image and peace with self. I often wonder that ones who produced me, never loved me, ones who lived with me all my life didnt, so then to live with desire to be acknowledged is futile . When you stand far from your physical being and observe your existence, you realize how inconsequential is living and running through this cycle of producing and consuming. I now realize why in ancient times, people insisted on being a parent as soon as possible , because that a binding which keeps you going, as you cant let your child to the harsh reality of this world, so we push myself more each day to this existence. I need to keep going as far as i can and till the day I am needed, i don't need to hang on this life because i aim to see more, consume more, prove more and do more . None of this is left to do ....

I didnt know about this "Broken Windows" theory but when I read about it, I found it very occupying. It was like all the dots were connecting to produce a more clearer picture and I was able to correlate it with different levels of my life. Like a universal law it was there in all forms and at all places.

So before few of you scratch your head over, What the heck this Broken Window is ? Broken Window in real world symbolizes any fallacy or wrong doing you can ever imagine. Whether its a lil lie to someone, some unchecked/ignored error in your finances, breaking traffic rules on road, giving bribe, stalking, stealing, kvetching, bad decisions, poor behavior, misconduct, treason and so on... A tiny slack from your part and there is this sub-conscious understanding inside your cerebra that..... there's an escape, whether knowingly or unknowingly chances of you doing it again increases exponentially.

Why ?
Because in most of the cases neither you nor the people around you care enough to repair that broken window and then this signal that no one cares resides somewhere deep down in your sub-conscience mind. It tempts you to do it again, explore new avenues of it. Trust me this temptation is too enticing to refute. Most of us give up in no time and we create an unstable and figurative neighborhood full of broken windows.

Don't we all are really doing this to ourselves. Well functioning system is just an illusion, in reality things are messed up pretty bad. When watched carefully it's not just the neighborhood, but the whole city and country at large is loomed with infinite instances of broken windows. It's all in human behavior. When we see someone transgressing the law, even under the watchful eyes of a helpless policeman, we don't even care once to follow that same rule. Instead we break another window in the array of broken ones. In the context of relationship,when you bruised by one , all others follow suit . they see your broken windows..

I see a house with Broken windows and I conclude, no one lives here or no one cares. once you let one window remain un-addressed , others follow suit, happens to relationships.Initially "Broken Windows" was just a study on criminal behavior but I guess we all are sane enough to admit that each one of us fall under this radar. So called- Common Man is the real player in action here and when this common man witnesses such broken windows in large numbers committing bigger wrongs(crimes) with no feeling of remorse whatsoever comes naturally. There's no logic to this deviated behavior. It's just it. The devil is inside us, growing monstrously with each passing day. Negligence is the biggest offense, which we all contravene on daily basis. Instead of correcting [ repairing broken windows] we somehow find ways to encourage it.

Time to see how many windows are broken and how many must i fix , as soon as possible. Some windows however are damaged beyond repair.

मेरे ख़्वाबों की तामीर में खलल पड़ता है , …दोस्तों के बदल जाने से फरक पड़ता है , …खानाबदोश सी फितरत है, दिल कहीं भी हो , आगे निकल पड़ता है। ...
