The daily demiurge

Every single day , I look both ways , I recollect some days which have  gone by , a few past years and also visualise days, years and months ahead of me . Both pictures run past me at a frantic pace , the one I experienced and One I aspire to live through. Its is strange that people around us , know us by a "Point in time picture" , who we are today, how we look, what we do in our jobs, how much money we have , how many houses we own and-and and ... . We are all a story in making , we all have stories, our personalities are a concoction of moments we have lived through or aspire to live. Some events in your life , sculpt your life , just like each hammer stroke sculpt the stone for the artist . Each day we evolve from the stone, each day we reduce and each day our end state becomes more visible . शख्स से शख्सियत बनने का सफ़र है ज़िन्दगी……………Life is a journey to evolve as a personality from being a person.

We  are in denial of  prejudice : 

In winters of 1992, I used to travel through Eastern UP a lot. That was my "assigned" territory as a Computer Technician . I used to install PCs , Modems , Fax Machines city to city. In those days, I used to be paid 120 Rs a Night for the hotel stay , If I didn't claim actuals, I used to get 120 Rs as Reimbursement . I used to opt for reimbursement and ensure I travel in Night trains as much as I could . I finished some work in Allahabad and reached Lucknow in time for a Night train to Barabanki , which isn't far . This event was just before Dec 1992 and winters had not settled in . It was a mild cold night I remember . There was a huge flock of Sadhus who were travelling to Ayodhya in those days . I got on a passenger train alone and the train was just not moving . Passenger trains in India run on destiny rather than schedule as they ferry the people from the lowest social strata , they are no body's priority. I had no rush too . After being bored for a little and a quick power nap, I got off at the platform a for a tea and a smoke , I used to smoke Classic those days, considered a huge luxury those days, especially given my limited means . I noticed a Sadhu Baba came to the tea stall and started to un-knot the sides of this dhoti and collect coins from various Knots. As a 22-year-old , I had no sympathy for a sadhu neither respect for religion . He could not collect enough coins for the tea, but the tea had already been poured by the stall owner . He looked at me and said "Babujee Chai pila Dijiye" . I dragged a smoke and nodded yes . I finished my kullad (cup) and so did he . A few mins later he joined the same coach , looking for a berth . I had the side berth and he opted for the one opposite. The coach was relatively empty and after a few minutes , he tried breaking ice and said. "Babujee mutthi khol ke mat soya karo , Kismat ko nazar lag jaayegi " he said, . I shrugged him off very rudely saying I didn't believe in such crap and in the next sentence said , "Shut up" . He replied in fluent English to my utter surprise, "I will shut up but you will remember what I said years from now " I just couldn't believe what I heard , he was shabbily dressed , could not manage even a rupee or less for a tea , I didn't know how to react . For a second I thought, That was the only sentence in English he could manage . He continued his conversation with me in English . I reached for my Cigarette pack again, and offered him one , he said , I used to smoke India Kings . By this time, I had just one conviction, this man was a con of some kind . We shared a smoke .

He started to narrate his life story . It can be summed in a few sentences. He was a Judge in Allahabad high court till his mid-fifties and a picture perfect life . He didn't say why but he said, his wife and son committed suicide due to his alcohol abuse. He was jailed for some short time and after he was released (the jail to which he used to sentence people to ) he turned a sadhu . He lived in banaras but was going to ayodhya for Kar sewa . I was left speechless, even today I get goosebumps thinking about the day . He slept off , a few hours later he wasn't there . To be honest , I did check my wallet and belongings after he was gone. I still couldnt believe what i experienced . I learnt three things in that incident "Prejudice is Criminal" , I usually considered Sadhus to be losers who couldn't manage anything better in life hence gave up . Not always . We have prejudice in daily life . One thing , I have always done , is not Pre- judge people in all circumstances .

तेरे चिराग़ अलग़ ......... मेरे चिराग़ अलग , उजाला फिर भी जुदा नहीं होता .....

रिश्ता गहरा भी हो , तो भी अपना सा नहीं होता ....... 

जिनसे ख्याल ना मिले…उनसे कोई सिलसिला नहीं होता ……… 

Our Pursuits are common in life , don't judge people for their journey , Judge them for their Intent and choices they make out of free will and not compulsion . Meet the devil inside , inside every human there is a devil, in all of us , We are all grey with different shades, Knowing, taming and transforming that devil in you is the key to evolution . I see people feeding the evil inside than taming and ruling . 

Keep walking and help others walk well , there is no other salvation . Everyone has a battle, everyone has his or her baggage, don't judge the baggage , appreciate, encourage and facilitate the zeal to walk and keep walking, irrespective of who they are, gender, age, social status , caste or creed . Every Human is walking to their salvation .

We are in denial of love   :

Love is not the joy of being together for eating the same food, using same toothpaste and watching the same TV. It is being in souls who talk to each other without judging. It is a daily emotional and intellectual  intercourse, Skulls of wisdom are drilled, membranes of reason are pierced, tumours of myth are extracted and new memories are stitched up. It’s a mythical  procedure called maturity. We have it and it’s enough. Love is a rare phenomenon. It happens only sometimes. Millions and millions of people live in the false premise that they are lovers. They believe that they love, but that is their belief only.  It is rare because it can happen only when there is no fear, never before. That means love can happen only to a very deeply spiritual, religious person. Sex is possible for all. Acquaintance and affection are possible for all. Not love. When you are not afraid, then there is nothing to hide, then you can be open, then you can withdraw all boundaries. People have relationships but not love. The next moment is meaningless. Each loving relationship is a mirror. It reflects you. How can you know yourself without the mirror? There is no way. Others' eyes become mirror-like, and when somebody loves you, that mirror is very, very sympathetic towards you; very, very happy with you; delighted with you. In those delighted eyes you are reflected and for the first time,  a certain acceptability arises. This acceptability will fight all odds. The absence of judgement will pave way for divinity in love.
Rituals including social rituals are a substitute to love.Because we cannot love, we need a replacement with  so many romantic and social rituals and certifications. They are substitutes and very poor substitutes. A Meera needs no temple to go to. The whole existence is her temple. She can dance before a tree and the tree becomes Krishna. She can sing before a bird and the bird becomes Krishna. She creates her Krishna around her everywhere. Her love is such that wherever she looks the door opens and the Krishna is revealed, the beloved is revealed. Whatsapp or No Talk, A4 size certificate or not, the unprecedented has happened. I was reminded of my own long-held beliefs about human love and its frailty. My overstated comments ” Lovers love only while they are not yet in a fixed relationship. As the relationship settles, love disappears. Once the relationship is fixed, instead of love, something else takes place: possessiveness.”
 Every love story ends in a sob story, or even worse, a suicide or a divorce story. More often love is sacrificed at the altar of marriage for the sake of security, social recognition. They still go on calling it love, but it is hate, not love.
It is an adjustment for life , not love.
Indians should change a bit, instead of saying “I love you” ..say, “I possess you.” From today onwards in lieu of the karwa Chauth fast and a Samsung S7, I will burden you with progeny and an exclusive mating rights (the inverse of which doesn't apply to men most times btw)  Basically people are afraid of their loneliness, and because they cannot be alone they cling to the other person like a lifeline. This very clinging makes the other wriggle out of the bondage. This sentence “I cannot live without you,” is a danger signal. It is against the essential nature of love. Love is a flower that blossoms in freedom. It needs its own space, its own sky, its own sunlight and soil. If lovers don’t give that kind of freedom to each other the flower is bound to die.
It’s unfortunate that there is a great thirst for love but there is no focus on the art of loving. Solitude should be taught to all lovers so as to understand the complexity of love. People have everything that wealth can give them, they are talented but have no training in handling their emotions. All the dark emotions are lurking inside like snakes and scorpions. As a result, when they fall in love they also fall in hate, they fall in jealousy, domination. They try to possess the lover because they don’t possess themselves. After the rosy romance wears off the reality looms up and they start blaming each other for the ugliness of their relationship.
Another misunderstanding about love is that it should be everlasting. On the contrary, love is very fragile, it’s like a breeze, it drifts at will. No love can be permanent and that’s why it is so precious. The idea that you can only love one person and nobody else is another killer of love. Words like ‘ infidelity, loyalty’  strangulate the aliveness of love. The more lovers are allowed to share their love with others the more they can grow in love. They say, the emotions are  blind.

मोहब्बत में बुरी नीयत से कुछ सोचा नहीं जाता , कहा जाता है उसको बेवफा …… समझा नहीं जाता .
झुकाता है यह सर जिसकी इबादत के लिए , उस तक तेरा जज़्बा तो जाता है, तेरा सजदा नहीं जाता …

Today's song is by Javed Akhtar , one you would have missed out , In a movie called Luck by Chance :)

जाग उठे हैं रास्ते
ओ राही तेरे वास्ते
तेरी ज़िन्दगी तुझसे हर घड़ी
और हर कदम है ये पूछती
राही देख रहा है तू क्या
हर हर दिशा है रास्ता
बोल तेरा है कौन सा रास्ता
राही रे ओ राही रे किसी को नहीं है पता
राही रे ओ राही रे कहाँ जा रहा है बता
इक रास्ता कांटो का है
इक रस्ता फूल का
तुझपे है कौन से तू रास्ते को चुने
इक रास्ता है सोच का इक रास्ता भूल का
तुझपे है तेरा दिल अब क्या कहे ....क्या सुने
होगा तेरा ही ये फैसला
है सोचना या भूलना
बोल तेरा है कौन सा रास्ता
राही रे...
आसानियाँ मिल सकती हैं तुझको ज़माने से
पर ज़रा ये बता जीना है क्या यूँ तुझे
आज़ादियाँ तू पायेगा खुद को ही पाने से
फिर बता कोई डर महसूस हो क्यूँ तुझे
होगा तेरा ही ये फैसला आसानियाँ आज़ादियाँ
बोल तेरा है..
