Pathos of a Travelogue

Truth be told, I missed Blogging, seriously , it is always an insatiable craving . I crave to write as it gives a virtual parking slot to my thoughts and my emotions. Someone asked me a few months back as to why I Blog (some people actually think it is a show off thing ...been told that) . The reason why people blog is same as why people take pictures . Blog keeps a record of how you thought and felt inside while the Picture is the record of how you looked . I look at some blogs and they make good reading , some make me hate myself and some tell me that I need to just ...chill :) . I had decided in 2016 , I will write short stories , My first short story "Dupatta" , is an Ode to Saadat Hassan Manto . Its awaiting a few days of "me" time to finish. I have started on another short story , which can almost be a book , as of this moment the character sketches are taking shape . So eventually , I will write , wrong or right , subtle or direct . Pathos or Ethos . Some of you have been flattering enough to say that they will read my book and check with me on the progress regularly ...Thanks but It isn't easy as I think it is. So, Standard menu being served again today , some topics , some poetry and one track. I have heard so much good music in last 8 weeks that it was hard to decide which one I post today . I saw two amazing movies in these 8 weeks , Tamasha and Masaan, both are soul stirrers . 

Life "Accessories" :Whats the first question someone asks you , if you meet them after a long time or if you have to describe some one's life . The question is "Life Kaisi Hai " Hows Life ? The standard answer is yes , Its Good , what do people usually describe Good life as , Good Job (I have a new job or got promoted) , Good House , Good Car, Kids may be , Money , Relationships and even movie they saw . People also mention where are they travelling to wealth acquired . Is That life ? Or are they " Life's accessories" ? Accessories are OK, but accessories are attached to something basic , called Life . When i talk about life , I mean two things , a certain amount of time (i will a finite numbers of days/years ) and certain amount of energy . In Punjabi, Death is referred to as "Vela Muk gaya" means time's over . Essentially death means two things . Time runs out or energy runs out . You could be 80 and in a retirement village , unable to move . That's why there is a term called "untimely death" and the usual death will be "ran of out energy" . In Punjabi language such natural death is expressed exactly this way. I often wonder people who make tall claims about love and relationships and says, My kids are my life or my Husband is my life . What do they give this life , so do they give their Time or their energy . Most times the response is that  we own a house , some cars , maids to cook , celebrations are outsourced ,  gift  an iPhone . True Giving is Giving of yourself and no giving can be as great as giving of your life . Life is Time Plus energy . People I love , I give them both. Sadly when i look around , love is still all but Time and Energy . 

हाथ छूटें भी तो रिश्ते नहीं छोड़ा करते, वक़्त की शाख़ से लम्हे नहीं तोड़ा करते
- गुलज़ार 

Emotions or Intelligence, this is not even a debate : People often tell me sarcastically that think emotionally , To me its not even a debate . What is Intellect, it has logic , it has science , it has insights . You ask a scientist what's a mother , he will say a woman , in good health, be able to produce a child . You give a Botany expert a flower , he can tell you what kinds. He wont tell you , what would this trigger in you , years from now when you stumble upon it in a book . Emotions embrace "As is" . Intellect Dissects , Judges . Emotions let Radha Love krishna , mythology says that Rukmani, Krishna's wife was one of the prettiest woman of her time. Since western societies have led us economically and have used intellect largely,  Our social attitude and benchmarks of success has been the people with intellect and not necessarily emotions . Not only do i disagree , i think this is a big issue . People who cant understand emotions are people who are so poor , they have just logic and may be money . The way you think is way you feel . If I show signs of emotions, I am perceived weak , emotions however are powerful strength, if used right . I can say my key motivation in life has been emotions. Emotions are not an ON OFF switch , Logic is , Intellect is . That's why people disconnect so fast these days . I cant think you are sweet person and feel nasty about you . From feeling week to feeling Nasty will take time . Logical people disconnect based on need, give and take . I feel all spiritual pursuits are fundamentally are emotional pursuits , including one for a soul mate , Guru or what you may call it . A person with spiritual pursuit (me included) looks a like to fool to a logical person , but only the devotee knows as to what the pursuit is . My pursuit is un-diminish-able .

मेरी आँख की यह रंजिश कौन बुझाने देगा , जंग अभी बाकी है, यही जज़्बा नींद न आने देगा.....
बारिश, तारे , ग़ज़लें , बाग, महक, सन्नाटा..................यह मेरा गाँव, मुझे शहर न जाने देगा ...........

Nothing wrong with endings : An end is as much a reality as a beginning is . End is always however reviewed as loss . As a society, we are naive, unprepared and unjustified in handling ends . I want to talk about some endings , end of life , end of relationships and end of eras. If it is end of life , families and loved ones are never ready however end is inevitable . All relationships have a date, a start date and an end date . All relationships also come with a "best before" and "use By " or expiry date . Strangely humans don't consume expired food , beyond its best before date but live such relationships . Marriages cost so much money  because they signify beginnings and the ends are so stigmatized . . You will find thousands attending weddings but divorce and other matters related to end , no one turns up. As friendships end , relationships ends , one should look back and see what memories it left behind. I realised last week that in some cases we are just meant to be a part of a destinical play of a beginning and an end . One should gracefully accept the end, be it life , relationships or otherwise . I often think about the end of life which  is very similar to the end of a story, some say i romanticise death , may be i do . I am not shy of it . My mortal remains will serve little purpose , if buried, will feed insects beneath the ground . If thrown in tower of silence , will feed vultures or else if cremated, ash will feed flying insects . I will always wish to that my mortal remains be buried under a mango sapling , which may grow to be a tree . Mango tree always were my favorites, So mango Tree I will be ....

Contrary to general perception, I am good with endings , as long as they have a surgical cut, should leave no scar. 

Some lines ..

कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं , 
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं .

एक दोस्त है कच्चा पक्का सा ,
एक झूठ है आधा सच्चा सा .
जज़्बात को ढके एक पर्दा बस ,
एक बहाना है अच्छा अच्छा सा .
जीवन का एक ऐसा साथी है ,
जो दूर हो के पास नहीं .

कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं ,
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं .

हवा का एक सुहाना झोंका है ,
कभी नाज़ुक तो कभी तुफानो सा .
शक्ल देख कर जो नज़रें झुका ले ,
कभी अपना तो कभी बेगानों सा .
जिंदगी का एक ऐसा हमसफ़र ,
जो समंदर है , पर दिल को प्यास नहीं .

कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं ,
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं .

एक साथी जो अनकही कुछ बातें कह जाता है ,
यादों में जिसका एक धुंधला चेहरा रह जाता है .
यूँ तो उसके न होने का कुछ गम नहीं ,
पर कभी – कभी आँखों से आंसू बन के बह जाता है .
यूँ रहता तो मेरे तसव्वुर में है ,
पर इन आँखों को उसकी तलाश नहीं .

कोई तुमसे पूछे कौन हूँ मैं ,
तुम कह देना कोई ख़ास नहीं …..

Today's song is from Masaan ...Tu Kisi Rail see Guzarti hai ....
