The Last Song ......

There is Nothing in specific that I  wanted to write down this weekend ,  just a few interconnected thoughts triggered by  a song  I heard a few days back. This song is perfect proof that poetry continues to be an indefatigable life force and an everlasting emotional and intellectual companion .  .Today is June 19th . I left for Brisbane this day 21 years ago, on this date  . Today is father's day as well .  This blog is now 7 years old and I strongly feel that it  has lived its life and purpose  .
In last 28 years ,  I have collected over a 1000 ghazals/songs which have not been understood and appreciated in all possible contexts . What I write is somewhere connected  with the poetry , I read and like. This post is  my narrative on how the Ghazals /songs were written  literally and how it could be understood differently  in today's context ..

The song is in Punjabi, written, composed and sung by Dr. Satinder Sartaj. 

Mushtaq deedaran de , Buhe te jawani rod tee , tak Jigare yaaran dein ....

What's the purpose of life , this is possibly the single  most,  over discussed and unanswered question . To me , most humans spend a life of  caught in  2 cycles "Production and Consumption" cycle and the "Desire and Regret" cycle . We produce to consume , consume to quench desires and quash the regrets . Both cycles however have the "I" in the centre of it . When a man wants to become  a father , it may seem unselfish but there are desires he is addressing. Similarly if  he has regrets and then he  finds  a mechanism of other desires to address the regret .  What we really do in  life  is all about  "I" in it , even when we say I love you , has the prominent "I" in it, begins with "I"  ...The person who invented Ultrasound machine , may have done it out of desire to produce more means or desire to be famous however has an impact beyond an "I" .

Mushtaq means Longing , deedar is to see (not meet) and Buha is door . It means I spent a life longing , just waiting for the right true calling , look at my guts ....Iqbal wrote another line on same thoughts  .

Maana kee teri deed ke qaabil nahin hain hum , mera shauk to dekh , mera Intezaar to dekh ...similar thoughts, wait for your true calling, it may occur or may not occur. 

Akhiyaan vich laali ae , oye chadd Bua kee Kholna , Ae  te taan apna  hee sawaali ae ...

The context of this line is  another sher . "Saamne Hai Jo usse Log Bura kehte Hain, Jisko Dekha Hee Nahin , Usko Khuda kehte Hain" . What's in front of you, present and now , isn't valued because we always live either in past or future . Life is always either in prospective or retrospective mode. We don't value our ability to make moments now . "Akhiyan vich laali ae" which means my eyes have turned red  waiting , what's the use of opening a new  door , whoever comes in won't be  any different ....There is no time stamp decided for one to find his/her true calling . It tests patience of even the most patient . I heard a song a few days back , which is relevant .

Ajj Russe hoye yaar Nu manaiye , Rab Kise Hor din sahi . Let me reconcile with my beloved, the God can wait ... 

Jog De ke Malang Kar de , Aukhi ae hayati labni , tere khwaab saanu tang kar de .....

Do we realise what's the pinnacle ? Is the pinnacle a state of mind or a moment or stature in life . Once we go past a peak  , we keep looking back , thus blocking our ability to reach our pinnacle. Jog de ke Malang kar de , means you have helped me to reach a spiritual peak , it is difficult to replicate or sustain this and hence I often dream about you (the person as a metaphor ) . Life has so many pit stops but sometimes they seem like the destination , the finishing line  . Sometimes we confuse ourselves between the two . People come and go , houses , cities , jobs , how you look and how to behave are a present continuous perspective , not to be stuck with one pitstop, it is  unfair to the motion of life . 

Gal Gal Dee Manahi ae , odiyaan vee kee Manzilaan,  jeda Ishqka daa Raahi ae .....

For some people, the pursuit of happiness is happiness itself . The quality of pursuit is as important as the desire of reaching the goal . There is no pursuit which is devoid of pain however ones who are chasing a higher conscience  , will be undeterred .
There is no better gift that one can give than Time, Trust and affection .....

Gal Gal Dee Manahi ae means, everything has rules, odiyaan vee kee Manzilaan,  jeda Ishqka daa Raahi ae, Nothing will deter the one in pursuit of a higher self.

Akbar daa Raaj Gaya , Puch dee Phirengi Jhaliye , Kede Raah Sartaaj Gaya ..........

No pinnacle ever stays, what was peak once (akbar daa Raaj)  is no more.
Once I am gone, you will possibly be asking people where am I gone ......
