To whomsoever it may offend

My last post was a little different from my pattern of writing , especially the Title . I exchanged a few messages on the  on the title of my last post  . I will elaborate more on the same topic in today's blog  along with some more percolated thoughts .

In September 2013 , I was going through a multitude of health issues .  After 7 surgeries and  almost 80 nights in hospitals in the last 22 years  , I have realised that one must be a firm and  quiet witness to tough times . These are times when you must introspect and prepare yourself to steer through the  worst battles  . Over years , I have built a mechanism to constantly recharge the batteries of  my willpower . As I write my weekend blog ,  I have a few  poetry books on my bedside , an app about Bhagavad Gita in my phone (which I have accessed regularly  before sleep since September 2013)   and my Ghazal collection playing on my new bose  music player,  a few feet away . One needs to find their source of their eternal light , for some,  it is  a person but for me,  it has been a "purpose" . Person and Purpose motivate you differently . Today's blog is about some key lessons learnt and some key conclusions I made in the last three years , most derived from Bhagavad Geeta . I sometimes wonder if Bhagavad Geeta was written today as a "Self-help" book , how would it come across to me ? What you see today in my post are my conversations with my own self , while trying to fall asleep each night .

Choose your battles ,  mark your friends & enemies and stay indefatigable in the daily battle : 

 The first chapter of Bhagavad Gita is largely about conversations between Lord Krishna and Arjun Wherein Arjun comes across as a reluctant warrior . He fails to understand why it is that his own blood relatives and loved ones are on the opponent side .  Krishna explains him the maya behind what's termed as "own" , we don't fight enemies from another world , the fact is that they may have been a loved one at some point . For those of you who have attempted to read Bhagavad Gita , will agree with me when I say that it doesn't come across a Holy Sermon book as people view it, it's very factual timeless narrative in a conversational mode .  I divide  my social landscape into three categories . "Mine" , "Not Mine" and "I will  teach you a lesson" . Mine, means people I adore and will do anything for them . "Not Mine" are people who co-exist and are  either an acquaintance or have a formal  social connect . " I will teach you a lesson" category belongs to people who have intentionally caused pain and hardship in the past . This shouldn't be read as people from whom I seek some revenge , in most cases, staying in the battlefield firmly is a lesson enough for them .    These days there are lots of pseudo- spiritual messages which one sees on WhatsApp and facebook walls about forgetting and forgiving.  I willfully ignore all of them . Forgiving and Forgetting is the hallmark of the weak and timid .  I don't believe in all these concepts of forgiving and forgetting . The constant battle is a part of life , marking your friends and foes is also a constant exercise and what's at stake in the battle is your  survival, self-respect and value system . Battles are always irrational so don't seek perfect mathematic or science  . Increasingly I see people take a stand favouring "safest" and "reconciliatory" approach . I call them "Homeopathic " warriors , just like a Homeopathic medicine which no effect and side effect , these warriors make no difference . When I meet someone , I often seek their battle scars . No scars also mean no battle . It's important that you stay away from people who convince that the battle is worthless . Every farmer , every bird , every animal has a battle , they all fight . As long the will to fight survives , the hope to thrive will survive .

I read a Buddhist story of how the mankind can be roughly divided into three kinds of animals , a lion , the sheep and the snake . The lines below actually connect the dots above ...

इंसा भी कुछ शेर है, बाकी भेड़ की आबादी है, भेडें सब पाबंद हैं लेकिन शेरों को आजादी है........
शेरों को आजादी है, आजादी के पाबंद रहे, जिसको चाहें चीरे-फाड़ें, खाए पियें आनंद करें ........
इंसानों में सांप बहुत हैं, कातिल भी, जहरीले भी, इनके मुंह में दांत नही है,   फन हैं खुनी तलवारों के.....
सापों को आजादी है,  हर बसते घर में बसने की, उनके सर में जहर भी है और आदत भी है डसने की ...... 

You are driving but not navigating : 

Reading the chapters I often use to think if the entire battle of Mahabharata was destined or pre determined . In next few chapters , Krishna explains how,  despite that fact being KaramYogi is a worthy choice , some factors remain in the hand of "Niyati" which is destiny . The example relevant here would be how we are in complete control of our car and drive it at the speed we prefer . We choose the car , the model , the aesthetics and the colour but whether the car will take you to your destination is a function of effective navigation . Some paths are known and we repeat our journey on those paths, however,  some paths are new . We follow the navigation, in some cases,  we reach our new unexplored destination but in some cases, we continue to get lost . Destiny plays the same role . To me,  it is  an  80/20 rule . It is 80% Karma and 20% destiny . The million dollar question then is how to make navigation skill better . The Navigation skills are better when your intuition skills are better . Intuition is a  subtle conviction , sometimes we take a direction based on the direction our gut , to me Gut and subtle convictions are the same . These days a lot of new studies point to a saying " Meet your second brain , your gut " Krishna focusses on presenting the logic to Arjun but also emphasises how important is his conviction to win .

In this context, there is a ghazal by Dr Rahat Indori  on how hope on destiny drives a lot in us .

हौसले ज़िन्दगी के देखते हैं, चलिए कुछ रोज़ जी के देखते हैं
नींद पिछली सदी से ज़ख़्मी है , पर ख्वाब अगली सदी के देखते हैं
रोज़ हम अँधेरी धुँध के पार, काफ़िले रौशनी के देखते हैं
धूप इतनी कराहती क्यों है, छाँव के ज़ख़्म सी के देखते हैं
टकटकी बाँध ली है आँखों ने, रास्ते वापसी के देखते हैं
बारिशों से तो प्यास बुझती नहीं, आइए ज़हर पी के देखते हैं

Experience Divinity in this Jungle :  

In these three years , my bookshelf has swelled with books on spirituality and new age philosophies . I often get amazed at the lack of will to "experience" divinity in people around . Someone asked me a  few days back if reading spiritual books by a guru of any kind or going to  a temple  often would make one religious . My reply to the young man was a bit surprising for him. I said, going to a temple is like watching an erotic movie , you understand the landscape, the religious books , or spiritual discourses will take you through a landscape but divinity is an orgasm you will have to experience . Once you have experienced orgasm, the inadequacy of the erotic content will be clear to you .

The lack of will to experience is causing a situation where people wish to understand divinity without being on that path , just like travel photos and facebook check-ins , virtually take you to the place . How many men and woman do we hear these days who have adopted the path of free spiritual counselling and guidance ?

Why are there so many references to "jungle" in Hindu Mythology ? I have often thought about it , the jungle provides you a clear insight into a  primitive yet very effective ecosystem which exists despite of mankind .

I read a nazm some days back , which is so relevant to this topic .

सुना है जंगलों का भी कोई दस्तूर होता है !
सुना है शेर का जब पेट भर जाये
तो वो हमला नही करता ,
दरख्तों की घनी छाओँ जा कर लेट जाता है !
सुना है जंगलों का भी कोई दस्तूर होता है !!
सुना है जब किसी नदी के पानी में
हवा के तेज़ झोंके जब दरख्तों को हिलाते हैं
तो मैना अपने घर को भूल कर
कौवे के अंडो को परों से थाम लेती है |
सुना है घोंसले से कोई बच्चा गिर पड़े तो ,
सारा जंगल जाग जाता है |
सुना है जंगलों का भी कोई दस्तूर होता है !!
सुना है जब किसी नद्दी के पानी में
बये के घोंसले का गुन्दुमी साया लरज़ता है |
तो नदी की रुपहली मछलियाँ उसको
पडोसी मान लेती हैं |
नदी में बाढ़ आ जाये ,
कोई पुल टूट जाये तो ,
किसी लकड़ी के तख्ते पर
गिलहरी, सांप ,बकरी और चीता
साथ होते हैं |
सुना है जंगलों का भी कोई दस्तूर होता है !!

Today's song is a dedication to a dear friend , who found this for me ....some friends leave behind great memories ....Laagi Laagi ....I never get enough of this song .
