Chaos on the Canvas

Last 30 days have been really eventful. In US administration there is a  Tradition called The State of the Union address, which is an annual speech presented by the President of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress, except in the first year of a new president's term. Today's blog is about two things, One, my own theory on the contemporary social and human life, I call it "The Canvas Theory" and the second part is the State of the Union address to myself on how many thoughts and life have changed. This month I also had my first poetry reading, I have mixed feelings, one, I am happy some people still wanna listen to poetry in the time and age of tinder and snap chat, second, poetry  is an intensive art,  I am not sure if my and effort and time investment did come up well.   

The Canvas Theory: To me, a Canvas which is being painted is a metaphor for life,  life to me is a canvas, each one of us is a canvas. This canvas is what you see every night in your head before you sleep. This canvas is large and vast in fact, it has many areas in, love life, knowledge and our material success. Now we have the main brush, We hold the key brush for our canvas but people around us, family, friends, loved ones, partner, colleagues..each one of these has one brush too, of our life. Now, You have to realise that not just you brush and shade your own canvas, each one who has a  brush around you makes their own strokes, everyone who impacts your persona does that.  Now there are many colours you can choose and so can others, the colour is every conversation, every memory, every event is a brush stroke of a different colour. Life, when you look back, is many brush strokes of different genres, old strokes like childhood, first love, accidents, and journeys. Some brush strokes are thick and deep and standout, some lighter strokes may not be as prominent on the canvas. Some strokes are of a bright golden colour, they make your canvas shine, like happy memories, moments of bliss but some strokes are dark and out of place, ugly, out of the pattern, they are the strokes of pain. If one is physically or financially impaired, their canvas will show it. When we "love" somebody, we hand them the Key brush, thinking they will shade all areas of our canvas golden or shiny, sometimes they do also, sometimes some strokes are shiny and some are ugly. The painting never stops, each moment passing has the strokes being made.
We don't realise that we do control who has access to our brushes, we can choose to move away and take the brush away from them by being incommunicado, by distancing in person and in thoughts. Now, you cant erase any brush stroke, but you can paint in your area of your influence. We must take control of who is painting and what on our canvas. Every night before I sleep, I look at the canvas, my canvas. My painting can't be painted by rogue elements who are making random strokes because that's the colour and width of the brush that suits them. Painting is a two-way process, just as our loved ones paint our canvas , we paint theirs as well. If you cant paint well, at least don't ruin anyone's painting and leave them with bad strokes. Sometimes some people will paint absurd strokes due to their naivety and some will brush the silver lining in the darkest patch. So every day we paint and we let someone paint, let's be a better painter because you never know when you would stop painting. 

I think I should patent the canvas theory :) 

Today, sharing a song which was released in May 2011 and sometimes it takes six years and more to realise the value of the lyrics. Do read the lyrics before you listen in, this is how poetry is massacred by weird music composition and videography ...

तेरी गलियों से , वाबस्ता है , दिल का सुक़ून 
हुमारा अफ़साना, इश्क़ में तेरे, बन गया जुनून

आराम किस कदर बेताब है, मदहोशियों का ख्वाब है
शोला रूह में बिखरा रही, सरगोशियों की याद है
तेरी चाहत से, वाबस्ता है , दिल का सुकून 

ज़ालिम इश्क़ की आवारगी, ले आई कहाँ हमें  बेखुदी 
दिल के क़ैद में यूँ चूर है, जन्नत हूमें दिखने लगी
तेरी खुश्बू से वाबस्ता है , दिल का सुकून 

This song is another brush stroke and a happy one.

The State of the Union: I learnt three things in last one year. 
  • Choose Happiness and not Peace, not status quo. Walk away from energies which ruin your canvas and walk away ruthlessly . Before you walk away, make sure you have given them enough chances to be a part of your canvas.  Life doesn't have time to understand everyone's layers, the moment you stumble upon layers that don't go with your fundamental grain, make a surgical cut.
  • Be vocally self-critical: Introspect and accept your own mistakes, call them out loud and but don't dwell in self-condemnation.  Seek forgiveness, demolish your own ego, make the first move,  forgive but never forget. Lessons are meant to leave a mark on your canvas. 
  • You are the owner of your canvas, Make it Van Gogh :) 
मैं इक इक तीर पे ख़ुद ढाल बनता  , अगर होता वो दुश्मन की कमाँ से ....
जो अपने पेड़ जलते छोड़ जाएँ , उन्हें क्या हक़ है  कि रूठें बाग़बाँ से ....

अब इतनी सादगी लाएँ कहाँ से , ज़मीं की ख़ैर माँगें आसमाँ से .....
अगर चाहें तो वो दीवार कर दें , अब मुझे कुछ नहीं कहना अपनी ज़बाँ से ....
