10 Signs of an "Emotionally Intense Person"

On many occasions , I have stumbled upon many different narratives , from writers belonging to a multitude of backgrounds on discovering the type of person you are . I have concluded that there is a rare and diminishing tribe of people called the "Emotionally Intense People "  Who are they , how do you know them , identify with them, do you connect with them . Today's blog is a simple checklist that I have created , these are some  percolated thoughts on this topic.
I am clearly an "Emotionally Intense Person" and that's why some examples may have an very "Indian" context however I am sure such people exist globally . 

The checklist is in no specific order .
  1. We "breathe" everything : Emotionally Intense People don't zoom past anything without breathing it in, people , places, weather, music , aroma, food and even characters in movies . They will connect with everything around them.
  2. We "feel universe and divinity" : EIPs are essentially deeply spiritually inclined . They may not be great fans of rituals and may even start their own but can feel and connect with universe and divine . They are most likely to be more comfortable in a new age cafe than at an upmarket cafe. 
  3. We cant have "small formal talk" : We crave meaningful conversations.  There is no such thing as frivolous banter to us. We will surprise you with the pace we open up with . We are totally fine in de-cluttering and demystifying uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing topics like religion, relationships, intimacy, politics and psychology.  
  4. We have "four" friends or less : Emotionally Intense People don’t like having big social networks – they dilute our intensity too much.I like friends, don’t get ME wrong. I like it when I enter a party and people smile and wave but I have a select few close friends. You can imagine, idle banter about the weather or what I am doing for the holiday doesn’t really suit me. Crowds and queues  make me uncomfortable . We open up fast but wont connect fast .  
  5. We Value "intellect" more than "success" : Emotionally Intense People inherently understand that knowledge is power, wisdom is happiness and truth is freedom, so why not seek after those things. These pursuits are more meaningful to us. We distinguish clearly between "things" and "people" . Material success does NOT impress us .  We over think about almost everything.  We develop a strong  ability to reflect and learn from the experience of others . We tend to learn  so many lessons through our own thought processes, and possess deep insight into life situations.
  6. We don't detest money but we don't chase it madly Wealth, status, fame, and the latest version of iPhone or Tesla aren't us . We see no point in pursuing things that have a limited shelf life and have no interest in the short-lived things in life, as they bring little meaning or long-lasting fulfilment for us.
  7. We are "moody but sincere" : Emotionally Intense People are never into frivolous promises , we are always earnest and sincere in everything we say. That said , our mood changes with the intensity of moon , we are different people on a full moon night. That still doesn't change the long term sincerity. We have a constant stream of both positive and negative feelings, sometimes together, sometimes from one to another in a short period. We soar high into bliss and plunge low into gloom in rapid succession.
  8. We "love" to age and connect with a bygone era with ease:  We happily age , always take pride in how old we are and hate the teenage version of us . Anti ageing creams are not for us , we carry our emotional wrinkles with pride. 
  9. We are unambiguously passionate: We never do anything half heartedly , either we do or we don't and if we feel passionately about anything,  we just race towards it even if it means saving water or being vegan. 
  10. We always see the "Big Picture" : Emotionally Intense People always have a bird's eye view of the situation and will always look at a bad day from a lens of "would it matter after 10 years " . We always seek the most wise and meaningful way to approach life.  When confronted with issues, we tend to see them as temporary and passing pains that merely serve to increase the amount of joy felt in the future.  
How much do you score out of 10? 

A Ghazal dedicated to all the  Emotionally Intense People. 


  1. Very nicely put together, playing with words is also something emotional people can't do.

    Won't say that I do not have any of the above, but rating ourselves in the mob is also something EIPs do not prefer :)

    Very impressive


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