Beholden to the Billions

It wasn't a usual break from blogging , it's just that the billion  thoughts I process in a  day end up with a few un-stitched emotional and irrational expressions . Some thoughts and emotions however do end up getting stitched . It always takes an event , a travel , an experience or a person or a divine intervention to be able to stitch that out, steam it and iron it . I often go back and check the finesse of the creases in my thoughts . Unless I am very sure that stitch looks good , I don't publish them . This time It took much longer .  The distillation of thoughts has slowed down . Today's blog is called the Beholden to the billions , it's because I feel indebted to a billion living beings and things . So two short and quick yet piercing thoughts today . I also found a  song today which matches the thoughts. The timing was right and i will repeat my favourite expression , Timing is always divine . 

Universal Debt : This thought came often to my mind every time I see people leave food unconsumed on the plate or being disposed off to garbage . I look at the food say a corn salad and think , it must have taken a farmer effort to seed Corn, watch it grow every day with hope it will grow and he will sell it . It grows despite odds of weather and attacks and is sold off for a price . Its purchased , prepared and cooked and then lovingly served . It takes us less than a second to make a conclusion that this corn needs to be disposed to garbage . Do we look at universe's effort to make food . I am not even counting animal sacrifices as I am a vegetarian . I have lived for 17931 days , every day, I was fed at least three times that's over 50000 meals . Each meal had so much of effort , tons of Universe's efforts just to make a human sustain , I wonder . The infant feed to grains , the trees and animals who offered milk , the effort is simply countless . Trees are exhaling oxygen to make us breathe . For every breath I Take , trees worked overtime to make it happen . The fruits I consumed have the saliva of the trees . It's like the trees are giving a mouth to mouth resurrection to us , the mountains are melting to make us drink water . The cows had to be injected litres of hormones , antibiotics and painkillers to help the painful pus filled udders dispense the raw material for the chai and mishti dahi . I have been using the output of the large intestine of the earth , oil , to fuel my mobility . Some of the earth's output are valuable asset like Gold and Diamonds . The universe is still working relentlessly to make these thankless humans use all of it . Just look at a pomegranate , how meticulously its been packed,  by a tree who knows no science , no order and no logic . The precision of the universe is what makes me so indebted and yet so much humility . The winds and rains still make you smile , the rivers make you wonder , who is listening to the universe . I am indebted . We all are yet so thanklessly we are vegetating and ageing . All of our life we consume oxygen and when we are dead , we use wood to be "cremated" . Like they say in English Literature, Burn it “down” , means it will dead and out when burnt however the word "Buried"  doesn’t mean finished ,  it simply means we have been hidden underneath the surface of earth . I  now relate why cremation and burying all has so much of universe connected .  A human body is so many cells are a well-coordinated machine of so many cells , like a  software is a  compilation of billions of lines of code and the code is somewhere connected to the universe . 
The universe has a heartbeat , listen to it . The universe has a clock of its own, which isn't rushing . The universe teaches us humility yet we continue to be in denial of the existence . 
As a human , You have the watch but the universe has the time. 

Mirza Ghalib said , Ye  masail-e-tasavvuf,  ye  tera   bayan  “Ghalib”, Tujhe hum vali samajhte, jo na baada-khvar hota...

Oh Ghalib, your breathtaking interpretation of complex and complicated hidden meanings of mysticism! We would have believed you a friend/messenger of God, had you not been a sinner/drunkard. 

Soul Mirror : If you notice, one compelling indicator of the people we connect with is that are like Mirrors . They reflect us . Mirror lets you gauge yourself , see the contours of your persona and  asses , you are good or bad . Soul connections are like mirror , you will accept good and bad from them . They instill realism in you . Mirrors however are "calm" , flawless and still . They could be still water as well . Calmness is a trait of soul connections. The soul connection is only with people who know everything  and who love us irrespective. They let us talk to our own deeper selves . We Seek Lookalikes as well.   We all think we know ourselves really well but are we really saying that based on what we see in the mirror of our persona. There is a strong reason to believe that our usual mirrors are fogged. I often think that all of us  wish to come across as a uni dimensional and uni layer personality while in fact we have a concoction of characters and personalities  inside us . No one is uni dimensional . We like movies , not for their stories but how they relate to the characters sketched on the movie . In designing the character, a personality type is always kept in mind . This uni dimensional trait is however restricted to films and script writing . I often say , Everyone's a Hero in the story of their life , then who is the anti-hero. Even the anti Hero or the villain will write his biography portraying as  a Hero . Fact is in real life we are all multidimensional. I quoted a few weeks to a friend that at least three personalities live simultaneously within you , it just depends what meets the Public eye more and what gets more prominence. Fact is we make no effort to  defog our mirrors and discover all those personality types, we seek happiness in seeing and seeking a uni dimensional personality on screen . We spent majority of life seeking Lookalikes , because it's easier to love them , reality is we should love people for who they are and not because they are similar or dissimilar to us . The fear of the unknown, and the security of the known, the insecurity of the unknown, the unpredictability of the unknown, makes one very much frightened.
Soul connections are divine , flawless and calm mirrors. 

Today's song  is dedicated to a nice childhood memory . Vidya Sinha passed away some days back , this songs is an unforgettable memory and my favourite .
कई बार यूं ही देखा है , ये जो मन की सीमा रेखा है , मन तोड़ने लगता है
अन्जानी प्यास के पीछे , अन्जानी आस के पीछे , मन दौड़ने लगता है

राहों में, राहों में, जीवन की राहों में , जो खिले हैं फूल फूल मुस्कुराके
कौन सा फूल चुराके, रख लूं मन में सजाके , कई बार यूं ही देखा है ...

जानूँ न, जानूँ न, उलझन ये जानूँ न, सुलझाऊं कैसे कुछ समझ न पऊँ
किसको मीत बनाऊँ, किसकी प्रीत भुलाऊँ, कई बार यूं ही देखा है ...


  1. Another piece of writing from Manish that really makes you think and question your own interpretation of life. He makes you see something different. I really enjoy reading his blogs.

  2. I am deeply humbled Deep ! Thanks for your motivation !


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